Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can. (John Wesley)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Quantum physics and spirituality

Since our Solar System has evolved into the Age of Aquarius, we have been given several gifts. The evolution of the Solar System has taken on a Physical Movement. We have moved into a new place around our Galactic Sun. Just as our Earth revolves around our Sun, our Solar System revolves around our Galactic Sun.

Just as man individually and collectively is evolving, our Solar System is evolving. It too has a destiny and purpose in the Mind of God.

The gifts that this movement around the Galactic Sun have given us are: The Laws of Quantum Physics, The Laws of Radionics and the Internet.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. This is the Mind of God that the Ancients spoke about. We can use the Laws to better understand ourselves, the workings of God and the Relationship between us.

The Laws of Radionics give us the technology to project our thoughts, wishes and desires into the Quantum Ocean.

The Quantum Ocean responds to our thoughts. The present physical reality that we all find ourselves experiencing is the the result of the sum total of thoughts we have allowed ourselves to think in this lifetime and in all past lifetimes.

We have become what we have thought. Tomorrow will be a synthesis of today's thoughts combined with all our past thoughts. And so infinitum until we have reached our destiny.

What is Destiny? It is to become ever so more God-like and conscious; until we are so much a part of God that we do not have to incarnate again.

So, if we find ourselves not exactly where we want to be on our road to spirituality, we can change our position.

We can use the Laws of Quantum Physics and the Science of Radionics to think better and higher thoughts and project them into the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. Our new thoughts will manifest into a new life.

The INTERNET is a gift of immense usefulness. Now we do not have to travel the world, or look in caves or out of the way places for the Wise men and Seers.

What they have thought and said will find it's way onto the Internet. The how of this is not important, that is for the materialistic scientists, who do not believe in a Creator God to figure out..

There is a Divine Plan for Creation and Evolution and what you need to do as your next step on your path of spirituality will be waiting for you on the net. Again, don't ask how, just surf and look. You found this article, didn't you?

Spirituality is the belief in a higher being. A belief that there are those higher in consciousness and farther along their path to spirituality than we are. Although their destiny is to ever lean forward, walk forward. They also look behind to seek out those who are also climbing the Path of Spirituality. They will stop for a while to teach and give you guidance but only if you seek and ask.

With your mind and heart full of expectation step out boldly on your path of Spirituality.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that the Laws of Attraction will bring you what you think about- Think about God and those Higher ones who have gone before, those who are higher on the mountain. They will hear you. (Ellis Peterson)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Spirituality - Belief vs an empty Universe

Please note that for a while to come, I won't be posting my own stories here. This is because I am planning to have them published in a book sometime next year. Apparently this will not be possible if they are already appearing everywhere on the net. I am removing all previous ones and will instead be posting articles of interest here until the book is published. I will share my new life experiences with you again later next year and hope that you'll enjoy the articles in the meantime.

The nature of spirituality is often contrasted with scientific findings, but is this really an argument between two positions in contrast? The more you think about it, the more one tends to doubt it.

The Hubble Telescope has opened our eyes to many new things in the universe. The sheer size and scope of it is simply staggering. This was never more obvious than when astronomers turned Hubble towards an empty part of space. Taking photographs over a period of time, they discovered that the tiny empty part of space was filled with billions of galaxies. The finding was akin to believing your cul-de-sac was the entire world only to discover there were more streets at one end and then an entirely different universe of neighborhoods, cities, counties, countries and continents.

Even with these findings, the truth of the matter is the vast majority of the universe is cold and empty. How then should we view our existence? We live on a planet that is but a speck in the Milky Way Galaxy and much smaller than that in the universe as a whole. Was it just pure luck we came to exist or is there something else underlying the structure of the universe?

Spirituality is obviously a broad term. It means many things to many people. One constant of it, however, is the notion that there must be a reason for being, a purpose if you will. Given the vast emptiness of the universe and our tiny spot in it, how do we reconcile the two? Well, everyone has to come to their own answer, but I for one believe that the two do not necessarily contrast. I suggest we look not at the emptiness of the universe, but those amazing spots that are full. The sheer beauty, size and complexity of galaxies suggest a meaning or theme of sorts and in that we can find a relationship between science and spirituality that is not necessarily in conflict.
(Thomas Avaja)


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