Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can. (John Wesley)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Feel good with guided meditation

By: Laurie Raphael, Wed Aug 8th, 2007
There are times when we all need to find ourselves in order to feel good about how we succeed and become successful in what ever we want to do. Meditating will help us feel better about how we succeed with everyday life to make better decisions.
When we meditate, our bodies become relaxed but our minds stay alert to what is happening around us or in our imagination. Focus our minds with one thing or using our imagination will lead us to guided meditation for self-development.
Guided meditation is a form of relaxation to finding our inner self to become the person we always wanted to be. Learn to meditate for relaxation to improve or maintain good self-development skills.
Meditating to relaxation lets our mind wander yet we stay alert to succeed. Focus on one thing at a time, rather than allow your mind to wonder after you start to meditate. Be aware of the specific moment with your imagination thoughts. Living for the current moment will help you toward relaxation to relieve stress, prevent pain and have more energy.
You have many options with meditation to explore. Meditation can be done with your eyes closed or open, at work, while exercising or whatever activity you may enjoy doing.
You can meditate when exercising by keeping your mind focused on what you're doing. Let all other thoughts lose and focus on your current activity.
Do not block your current thoughts, rather let them go. You may wander into your past, but that is ok, since here is where you start to learn. Sit and listen to the birds chirp when you start to meditate to help you relax.
Feel the breeze that is blowing in the air and smell the freshness around you. Do block out the stressful day you just had at work or while studying. Thinking and focusing about what your current situation is, will help you to meditation for self-development skills.
Get in touch with yourself by staying alert and focusing to be successful. Meditation will help you to become aware of your thoughts and to feel better about the situation when you are feeling down.
Be in control of a bad situation that you have to make a decision over. Step back and look at what is happening around you. Focusing on the problem and meditating, if for only 2 minutes, will help you to make a better decision. Step forward and jump head first to solving the problem once you have thought and focused on the situation.
You can learn to enjoy smaller things in life by progressing in meditation. Focus on how happy you are at the present with no bills or less floor to sweep living in a small house. What if you had a large home where it might take you ½ hour to sweep the floor compared to the smaller home that would only take you five minutes to do the same job.
Meditation can help prevent illness or make a quicker recovery. Meditation helps you to relax and it take rest and relaxation to heal when we are sick. Relaxing you, mind and body, will keep you happy and healthier with meditation for self-development skills.
Feel good and happy by mediating for self-development skills to relaxation. It doesn't take long to meditate, somewhere between 2 to 20 minutes and no special equipment, location, or money is needed for mediation for better self-development skills.
Don't expect complete results the first time you practice this new skill. You have to reprogram and make changes to stop and focus. Learn to use your imagination, to focus, and relax for self-developing new skills.

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